Sell More on Poshmark by Using Instagram
Did you know that Instagram is one of the most popular platforms used by poshers to generate more sales? Clothing purchases especially lend themselves to Instagram exposure. And yet, there are still so many Poshmark sellers out there not taking advantage of this free form of marketing.
Think about your own online/mobile behavior. You likely spend a lot of time on your social media accounts. And, if something catches your eye by way of a deal or an item being promoted, you probably take a second look. So while a user may not be in the market for a certain item that you currently have featured in your Poshmark closet, if they happen to come across it on Instagram and the item intrigues them, they may just become a buyer!
The question is, how do you maximize Instagram to gain greater exposure for your reselling business? In this article we look at ways that you can utilize the power of Instagram to drive users to your Poshmark business.
Sell More on Poshmark by Using Instagram
Create a Separate Instagram Account for Your Poshmark Business
If you already have a personal Instagram account, it is most likely populated by personal pics, thoughtful reflections, life events and so forth. All of a sudden trying to turn that account into that which is meant to drive traffic to your Poshmark closet could lead to a confusing and cluttered Insta account.
Keep in mind that Instagram does allow you to have five accounts with a single login. Therefore, it is easy to create a brand new profile specifically for promoting your Poshmark endeavor. This way too, if you do create a separate Poshmark business profile, you can keep that public without compromising the privacy of your personal account.
Once you’ve established that separate Poshmark / Insta account, you can now focus heavily on advertising your business. Post photos of current items in your closet. Offer deals and promos. Get creative here with how you use this Instagram account to help boost your closet sales.
Remember to Include that Poshmark Link
Instagram allows you to put one link in your bio. Especially in creating a separate account just for your Poshmark business, you want to be sure to include a link specifically to your Poshmark store.
Adding a link is pretty easy. Simply go to your Instagram profile and select “edit.” Within the website field input the link to your Poshmark store. And then just save your changes. Your Poshmark closet link is now active within your Instagram profile.
Include the Poshmark Referral Code
While yes, you can only include one link in your bio, you do have the chance to include your Poshmark referral code and make that visible to those who follow you on Instagram. Consequently, let them know that by using the code they get a discount. For users new to Poshmark, this referral code will get them $10 off. Poshmark does this for brand new buyers in an effort to encourage future buying activity. The great thing is, as a seller it costs you nothing to utilize this referral code. It really is a win-win and can work wonders when used in conjunction with your Instagram account.
Make Sure to Spotlight Those New Arrivals
Make your Instagram followers feel special by showcasing those new Poshmark arrivals on Instagram first. You might even offer them a “sneak peek” and generate more traffic that way. People love being the first to get access to exclusive offers—your Instagram account is a great place to feature such exclusives.
And when you offer early access via Instagram, make sure to really spend some time thinking about that caption. Expressly mention that the item is brand new, maybe even “never before seen.” Also, make sure that your Insta followers know that it is in fact an exclusive post just for them. This will get people excited about your closet and also give them a reason to follow your Instagram account.
Get Creative on Your Instagram Account as Far as Spotlighting Your Items
Sure, you can do a flat lay of an item from your Poshmark closet and then snap the photo. And certainly, Instagram users might respond positively, but getting creative with how you model and showcase your items always works more effectively.
You can either model the clothes yourself, ask a friend to help, or you might invest in some form of mannequin to help give your closet and clothes that professional edge. Also, think about photo backgrounds. Is there any way you can make them more vibrant and exciting?
Another thing you can do as far as creativity is concerned is to combine related items into one post. You could then offer the combination as a package deal.
Using social media to enhance Poshmark sales just makes sense. It costs you nothing and is a great way to build a following!
Rounding up
Do you have a bespoke Instagram account purely for your Poshmark business? Let us know over on our Instagram page and we may even highlight you to all our customers!
Using other social platforms to guide buyers to your store isn’t anything new, but like all platforms – consistency is key – so if you do run an IG purely for Poshmark, make sure you keep it fairly updated!
You may find our guide to image editors handy when it comes to formatting your photos for social too!