Should You Invest in a Mannequin for Your Poshmark Business?
One of the most important aspects of your Poshmark endeavor…how your clothes look, right? If your items appear drab and dull, if they don’t stand out and aren’t photographed effectively, they will not get noticed. And ultimately, you will not make any sales. The goal of your Poshmark business is to make money after all.
There’s a popular saying: you have to spend money to make money. Of course, we’re not talking about going into debt to launch your Poshmark business, but investing strategically in certain things can help increase your sales. One thing that actually can make a difference in terms of how your clothing items look and ultimately whether or not they will sell…a mannequin.
More and more poshers are finding that various types of mannequins are in fact helping them move items from their closet. There are actually several kinds of mannequins and forms that you can use. Not to mention, a number of presentation methods that will help enhance how your clothes look. In this article, we review a few of the mannequins and dressing strategies that can help take your Poshmark game to a whole new level.
Should You Invest in a Mannequin for Your Poshmark Business?
The Different Presentation Methods
From laying your items out flat to using dress forms, there are a multitude of ways for showcasing the pieces in your Poshmark closet. Depending on budget and style, you can opt for one particular presentation method or mix it up a bit.
Flat Lay Clothing
Obviously, among the most cost effective ways to stage your clothing items is going to be to flat lay them. Scroll through Poshmark and you will see many poshers who utilize this particular method. You want to be sure you take your time, highlight the best features, and get the clothing as smoothly laid out as you possibly can.
Hang the clothes up
Again, very simple and it doesn’t cost anything…Displaying your items on hangers can really give users a good view of a piece. Take some time here as far as preparation. As with the flat-lay method, ensure the item is not wrinkled; ironing it prior to photographing is always a good idea.
Model the items in your closet
Also highly affordable, being your own model or potentially having a friend/family member help you, brings the clothes in your closet to life. Especially if you’re selling an entire outfit for example, actually modeling that outfit gives users a clearer picture as far as what the item might look like on them. You may want to practice your poses—which poses highlight the clothes best. You and whomever is photographing you, also might want to do a few test shots.
Purchase a mannequin
Now we’re actually talking about investing some money into your Poshmark venture. And if you are serious about going from a side gig to a full-time business, then this is probably one of those things worth investing in. That said, there are different types of mannequins. Getting a full-blown mannequin meant to mimic an actual person probably isn’t what you want…Keep it simple.
Use a ghost mannequin
What exactly is a ghost mannequin? Essentially these are forms which allow you to only showcase the clothing item. In other words, you are not seeing for instance arms or necks. Pieces of the mannequin are removable leaving just the form needed to give shape to the item itself.
Dress forms are incredibly popular
A dress form not only enables you to stage the clothing in a more professional manner, but it also has the couture feel that tends to evoke thoughts of chic clothing shops. You have the ability with a dress form to add some additional flare and also to get a bit creative as far as the overall look and feel of your Poshmark closet. They can run the gamut when it comes to cost. But if you spend a little time and search, you will find that there are affordable dress forms options available online.
Your Poshmark Business: Sky’s the Limit
Whatever presentation method you use to display the items in your Poshmark closet, always take the time to stage them perfectly. One bad angle, a poor quality photo, one sloppily laid out piece can seriously detract from the rest of your offerings. If growing your Poshmark business and turning it into something that makes you real money is your goal, you may have to invest not only time but money as well. Again, you don’t have to break the bank, but you should buy those strategic tools and accessories that will allow you to show off your clothes in the best light possible.
Buying a dress form or ghost mannequin for example is an investment on which you should get a pretty decent return. Three or four additional sales because of your presentation strategy, and you will have recouped the cost. Really think about how you want your Poshmark business to be perceived.
Rounding up
We hope this article gives you an idea of how things like this can really help up your Poshmark game!
Combined with taking great photos of your items and what you should stock at certain times of the year you can see how stepping back from just listing things repeatedly, and instead, taking a strategic look at your Poshmark business can hopefully reap you more profitable rewards for less work.
Do you have a mannequin or do you get someone in your family to model clothes for you? Let us know in the comments or on our Instagram page!